provinsi mureş bahasa Inggris
- mureș county
- provinsi: province; provinces; state; country
- andrei mureşanu: andrei mureșanu
- ocna mureş: ocna mureș
- The Deleni gas field is a natural gas field located in Băgaciu, Mureş County.
Ladang gas Deleni adalah ladang gas alam yang terletak di Băgaciu, Provinsi Mureş. - In 1952, during the Socialist Republic of Romania, the former province of Mureș, Romania (with the highest concentration of Székely population), was legally designated as the Hungarian Autonomous Region.
Pada tahun 1952, bekas provinsi Mureş (dengan konsentrasi populasi Székely terbesar) secara resmi dijadikan Wilayah Otonom Hongaria.